Hallo everyone, welcome to suka-suka web. -Lah pembukaannya kok beda ya? Hehe, iya dong kan kita bahasnya sekarang beda. Sekarang ini kita akan membahas mengenai kata kata bijak dalam bahasa inggris.
Tentunya kalian yang pengen lebih kece dan kekinian pasti ingin tampil dan terlihat lebih pintar juga gaul. Salah satunya dengan update status atau memberi caption dalam bahasa inggris. Nah untuk kalian yang bertujuan sama dengan apa yang penulis ingin sampaikan, pas banget nih kalian masuk sini.
Namun sebelum itu, kalian yang belum baca pembahasan yang lalu tentang kata kata bijak keren, silakan di baca-baca dulu. Disana ada banyak sekali kata kata keren dan bijak, kata kata dilan baper dan masih banyak lagi, yang bisa dijadikan referensi atau untuk membuat status FB. Pokoknya kalian harus baca deh. Kalo enggak? yaa.. sedih dong penulisnya, udah capek2, kok kamu gak baca sih.Â
Oke lanjut!
Mungkin di bawah ini ada banyak sekali kata kata bijak bahasa inggris. Kalian bisa pilih mana yang terbaik saja dan yang menurut kalian keren yang pas dari hati kalian untuk dijadikan sesuatu.
Biasanya quotes bijak dalam bahasa inggris ini diucapkan atau dilahirkan dari orang terkenal yang mana sering untuk memberikan motivasi kepada pelajar. Kata mutiara tentang pendidikan cukup penting untuk memotivasi para pelajar yang masih berada dalam bangku sekolah.
Kita bisa lihat kata kata bijak dalam bahasa inggris dari orang terkenal seperti Mario Teguh. Seorang motivator yang sering memberikan motivasi kepada banyak orang.
Selain untuk menjadi penyemangat, kata bijak dalam bahasa inggris juga bisa menjadikan seseorang itu lebih gaul, keren, dan terlihat pintar. Apalagi bila quotes tersebut singkat dan pendek, akan menjadikan lebih mudah untuk dihafal dan dipakai.
Seringnya tema yang dibahas dalam kata kata penyemangat seperti quotes bijak itu adalah tentang cinta, tentang kehidupan, alam, tentang sahabat, maupun kebersamaan sekitar. Sering juga quotes tersebut diambil dalam film-film yang ada.
Nah berikut ini adalah kata kata bijak dalam bahasa inggris yang keren dan bisa dijadikan motivasi hidup. Semoga kalian semua setelah membacanya tidak menjadi galau lagi. Semangattt…Â
Kata kata Bijak Bahasa Inggris
The difference between what we do and what
we are capable of doing would suffice to solve
most of the world’s problems.
— Mohandas Gandhi
Executive ability is deciding quickly and
getting somebody else to do the work.
— John G. Pollard
You’re no good unless you are a good
assistant; and if you are, you’re too good to be
an assistant.
— Martin H. Fischer
Ernie J. Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real Job
Do not let what you cannot do interfere with
what you can do.
— John Wooden
There are two kinds of people who never
amount to much: those who cannot do what
they are told, and those who can do nothing
— Cyrus Curtis
With my brains and your looks, we could go
— Actor John Garfield in the movie The
Postman Always Rings Twice
Accomplishing the Impossible
Man is the only creature that strives to
surpass himself, and yearns for the
— Eric Hoffer
The difficult we do immediately, the
impossible takes a little longer.
— World War II military slogan
A great pleasure in life is doing what people
say you cannot do.
— Walter Gagehot
Man is always more than he can know of
himself; consequently, his accomplishments,
time and again, will come as a surprise to him.
— Golo Mann
Accomplishing the impossible means only that
the boss will add it to your regular duties.
— Doug Larson
The great end of life is not
knowledge but action.
— Thomas Henry Huxley
Action should culminate in
— Bhagavad Gita
Inaction may be the highest
form of action.
— Jerry Brown
There is nothing brilliant nor outstanding in my
record, except perhaps this one thing: I do the
things that I believe ought to be done …. And
when I make up my mind to do a thing, I act.
— Theodore Roosevelt
So many worlds, so much to do,
So little done, such things to be.
— Lord Tennyson
Kata kata Motivasi Bahasa Inggris
If you have a job without aggravations, you
don’t have a job.
— Malcolm Forbes
Boy, the things I do for England.
— Prince Charles (on sampling snake meat)
You are no bigger than the things that annoy
— Jerry Bundsen
It’s only work if somebody makes you do it.
— Calvin in Calvin and Hobbes cartoon
Employees who think they know everything
are very irritating to those of us who do.
— Unknown wise person
Never complain about your troubles; they are
responsible for more than half of your income.
— Robert Updegraff
Ernie J. Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real Job
When you go in search of honey you must
expect to be stung by bees.
— Kenneth Kaunda
Little things affect little minds.
— Benjamin Disraeli
You can and you must expect suffering.
— Mother Teresa
When you’re going through hell, keep going.
— Albert Einstein
Men are disturbed not by things that happen,
but by their opinion of the things that happen.
— Epictetus
Few things are harder to put up with than a
good example.
— Mark Twain
Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly.
— Thomas Jefferson
Ambition if it feeds at all, does so on the
ambition of others.
— Susan Sontag
The slave has but one master, the ambitious
man has as many as there are persons whose
aid may contribute to the advancement of his
— Jean de La Bruyère
No bird soars too high, if he soars with his
own wings.
— William Blake
Ambition is a Dead Sea fruit, and the greatest
peril to the soul is that one is likely to get
precisely what he is seeking.
— Edward Dahlberg
If men cease to believe that they will one day
become gods then they will surely become
— Henry Miller
Kata kata Mutiara Bahasa Inggris
I don’t know anything about
music. In my line you don’t
have to.
— Elvis Presley
Working in the theater has
a lot in common with
— Arthur Gingold
You can make a killing as a playwright in
America, but you can’t make a living.
— Sherwood Anderson
I always suspect an artist who is successful
before he is dead.
— John Murray Fitzgibbon
It is very good advice to believe only what an
artist does, rather than what he says about his
— David Hockney
Individuality of expression is the beginning
and end of all art.
— Johannes Wolfgang von Goethe
Modern art is when you buy a picture to cover
a hole in the wall and then decide that the
hole looks much better.
— Unknown wise person
Extraordinary how potent cheap music is.
— Noël Coward
No one has ever written, painted, sculpted,
modeled, built, or invented except literally to
get out of hell.
— Antonin Artaud
If more than ten percent of the public likes a
painting, it should be burned.
— George Bernard Shaw
If a project is going wrong, always blame one
of your colleagues — but not an intelligent
— Joep Schrijvers
Swallow a toad in the morning if you want to
encounter nothing more disgusting the rest of
the day.
— Nicolas Chamfort
Faced with having to change our views or
prove that there is no need to do so, most of
us immediately get busy on the proof.
— John Kenneth Galbraith
If people knew what they had to do to be
successful, most people wouldn’t.
— Lord Thomson of Fleet
The man who follows the crowd will usually
get no further than the crowd. The man who
walks alone is likely to find himself in places
no one has ever been.
— Alan Ashley-Pitt
We know that the nature of genius is to
provide idiots with ideas twenty years later.
— Louis Aragon
It takes a strong fish to swim against the
current. Even a dead one can float with it.
— John Crowe
Quotes Motivasi Bahasa Inggris
The curse of me and my nation is that we
always think things can be bettered by
immediate action of some sort, any sort rather
than no sort.
— Ezra Pound
Being busy does not always mean real work.
The object of all work is production or
accomplishment and to either of these ends
there must be forethought, system, planning,
intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as
perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.
— Thomas Edison
A great many people have come up to me and
asked how I managed to get so much done
and still look so dissipated.
— Robert Benchley
eople don’t choose their careers; they
are engulfed by them.
— John Dos Passos
Sometimes you wonder how you got on this
mountain. But sometimes you wonder, “How
will I get off?”
— Joan Manley
When I was a boy I was told that anybody
could become President: I’m beginning to
believe it.
— Clarence Darrow
My uncle was the town drunk — and we lived
in Chicago.
— George Gobel
Ernie J. Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real Job
The difference between a job and a career is
the difference between forty and sixty hours a
— Robert Frost
Career Advice
Find a calling you love and you will
never work a day in your life.
— Confucius
Adults are always asking little kids
what they want to be when they grow
up because they’re looking for ideas.
— Paula Poundstone
The world is divided into people who
do things and people who get the credit. Try, if
you can, to belong to the first class. There’s
far less competition.
— Dwight Morrow
Quotes Kata kata Mutiara Bahasa Inggris
Ernie J. Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real Job
Don’t waste time learning the “tricks of the
trade.” Instead learn the trade.
— H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
A musician must make music, an artist must
paint, a poet must write, if he is to be
ultimately at peace with himself.
— Abraham Maslow
Never get married while you’re going to
college; it’s hard to get a start if a prospective
employer finds you’ve already made one
— Kin Hubbard
The deepest personal defeat suffered by
human beings is cons tituted by the difference
between what one was capable of becoming
and what one has in fact become.
— Ashley Montagu
If you don’t like your job you don’t strike. You
just go in every day and do it really half-assed.
That’s the American way.
— Homer Simpson
Only man is not content to leave things as
they are but must always be changing them,
and when he has done so, is seldom satisfied
with the result.
— Elspeth Huxley
If you want to make enemies, try to change
— Woodrow Wilson
What we would like to stay the same is
changing and what we would like to change
insists on staying the same.
— Unknown wise person
You think that you understand the situation,
but what you don’t understand is the situation
has just changed.
— Workplace graffiti
The more things change, the more they stay
the same.
— French proverb
Having served on various committees, I have
drawn up a list of rules: Never arrive on time;
this stamps you as a beginner. Don’t say
anything until the meeting is half over; this
stamps you as wise. Be as vague as possible;
this avoids irritating the others. When in doubt,
suggest a subcommittee be appointed. Be the
first to move for adjournment; this will make
you popular; it’s what everyone is waiting for.
— Harry Chapman
A committee is a group of important
individuals who singly can do nothing but who
together agree that nothing can be done.
— Fred Allen
A committee is a cul-de-sac down which ideas
are lured and quietly strangled.
— Sir Barnett Cocks
If you see a snake, just kill it — don’t appoint a
committee on snakes.
— H. Ross Perot
A committee should consist of three men, two
of whom are absent.
— Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree
Ernie J. Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real Job
If at first you don’t succeed, you may be at
your level of incompetence already.
— Laurence J. Peter
If there’s one pitch you keep swinging at and
keep missing, stop swinging at it.
— Yogi Berra
The trouble with the world is that the stupid
are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt.
— Bertrand Russell
He mastered whatever was not worth the
— James Russell Lowell
Even a thief takes ten
years to learn his trade
— Japanese proverb
Competence, like truth, beauty and contact
lenses, is in the eye of the beholder.
— Laurence J. Peter
Kata kata Bijak Motivasi Bahasa Inggris
In most hierarchies, supercompetence is more
objectionable than incompetence.
— Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull
Ernie J. Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real Job
Choose the right moment to bad-mouth your
rivals. A “good” rat will attack only three times
a month, for up to five minutes at a time.
— Joep Schrijvers
Nobody talks more of free enterprise and
competition and of the best man winning than
the man who inherited his father’s store or
— C. Wright Mills
Never battle with a man who has nothing to
lose, for then the conflict is unequal.
— Baltasar Gracian
The general fact is that the most effective way
of utilizing human energy is through an
organized rivalry, which by specialization and
social control is, at the same time, organized
— Charles Horton Cooley
The best computer is a man,
and it’s the only one that can
be mass-produced by
unskilled labor.
— Werner von Braun
A computer will do what you
tell it to do, but that may be
much different from what you
had in mind.
— Joseph Weizenbaum
To err is human, but to really foul things up
requires a computer.
— from 1978 Farmer’s Almanac
Why shouldn’t a PC work like a refrigerator or
a toaster?
— Walter Mossberg
Some things were never meant to be solved.
— Unknown wise person in response
Ernie J. Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real Job
To err is human — and to blame it on a
computer is even more so.
— Robert Orben
Computers make it easier to do a lot of things,
but most of the things they make it easier to
do don’t need to be done.
— Andy Rooney
Before we work on artificial intelligence why
don’t we do something about natural
— Steve Polyak
In a few minutes a computer can make a
mistake so great that it would take many men
many months to equal it.
— Merle L Meacham
Computers can solve all kinds of problems
except the unemployment problem they
— Laurence J. Peter
The real danger is not that computers will
begin to think like men, but that men will begin
to think like computers.
— Sydney J. Harris
The bigger the bore, the greater the
knowledge of computers.
— Unknown wise person
Computers are useless. They can only give
you answers.
— Pablo Picasso
It’s not enough to be the best at
what you do. You must be
perceived as the only one who
does what you do.
— Jerry Garcia
You have to be original. If
you’re like everyone else, what
do they need you for?
— B. Peters
When all is said and done, monotony may
after all be the best condition for creation.
— Margaret Sackville
The human mind treats a new idea the way
the body treats a strange protein; it rejects it.
— P. B. Medawar
Caption Instagram Bahasa Inggris
Your motivation is your pay
packet on Friday. Now get on
with it.
— Noel Coward
The idea that to make a man
work you’ve got to hold gold in
front of his eyes is a growth,
not an axiom. We’ve done that
for so long that we’ve forgotten
there’s any other way.
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
We know nothing about motivation. All we can
do is write books about it.
— Peter Drucker
If I choose to devote myself to certain labors
which yield more real profit, though but little
money, they may be inclined to look on me as
an idler.
— Henry David Thoreau
If the outcome is good, what’s the difference
between motives that sound good and good,
sound motives?
— Laurence J. Peter
ore people would learn from their mistakes if
they weren’t so busy denying them.
— Harold J. Smith
Learn from the mistakes of others — you can’t
live long enough to make them all yourself.
— Martin Vanbee
Always acknowledge a fault. This will throw
those in authority off their guard and give you
an opportunity to commit more.
— Mark Twain
Ernie J. Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real Job
If people really liked to work, we’d still be
plowing the land with sticks and transporting
goods on our backs.
— William Feather
Nothing great was ever
achieved without enthusiasm.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
I am afraid that the
pleasantness of an
employment does not always
evince its propriety.
— Jane Austen
I’m a free soul who hates paying attention to
things I am not interested in. Consequently, I
have rarely been comfortable in the role of
— Steve Solomon
I’d rather be a failure at something I enjoy
than a success at something I hate.
— George Burns
Kata kata Tokoh Terkenal Bahasa Inggris
In the past a man was expected to give his
seat on a bus to a woman. Today it would be
much more courteous for that man to give her
his job.
— P. J. O’Rourke
All this talk about equality. The only thing
people really have in common is that they are
all going to die.
— Bob Dylan
Men now monopolize the upper levels . . . .
depriving women of their rightful share of
opportunities for incompetence.
— Laurence J. Peter
Inferiors revolt in order that they be equal, and
equals that they be superior.
— Aristotle
That all men are equal is a
proposition to which, at
ordinary times, no sane
individual has ever given
his assent.
— Aldous Huxley
Sometimes the best man for the job isn’t.
— Unknown wise person
I’m all for ERA. I want to see women equal to
men — not so damn superior like they’ve
— Nipsey Russell
Men are vain; but they won’t mind women
working so long as they get smaller wages for
the same job.
— Irvin S. Cobb
Ernie J. Zelinski, Author of Real Success Without a Real Job
Some of us are becoming the men we wanted
to marry.
— Gloria Steinem
Beware of the man who praises women’s
liberation; he is about to quit his job.
— Erica Jong
Idiots are always in favour of inequality of
income (their only chance of eminence), and
the really great in favour of equality.
— George Bernard Shaw
Whether women are better than men I cannot
say — but I can say they are certainly no
— Golda Meir
Perpetual devotion to what a man calls his
business, is only to be sustained by perpetual
neglect of many other things.
— Robert Louis Stevenson
Let us be grateful to Adam: he cut us out of
the blessing of idleness and won for us the
curse of labor.
— Mark Twain
Nah itu tadi beberapa kumpulan kata kata bijak bahasa inggris penuh motivasi dan inspirasi yang telah kami rangkum untuk kalian semua para pengunjung setia kami. Coba comment dibawah quotes mana yang menurut kalian paling bagus. Semoga dapat bermanfaat dan sampai jumpa dilain waktu